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Tips for staying safe and comfortable at home as we age

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As we age, the desire to remain independent in our own homes becomes increasingly important. However, even our most familiar surroundings can become unsafe if left unchanged, especially once we reach our senior years.

Here, we offer several easy-to-implement tips to help you enhance your home’s safety and accessibility.

Clear any potential tripping hazards

One of the best ways to increase safety is to prevent falls by clearing potential tripping hazards in your home. According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injuries and fatal accidents among Americans 65 and older.

Loose rugs can slide, curl at the edges, or bunch up, increasing the risk of falls. Secure mats and throw rugs using double-sided tape, or consider getting rid of them altogether. Create safer pathways in your home by securing electric cables and moving small furniture like ottomans and footrests out of the way. Make steps or changes in floor level more visible by using brightly colored tape or a contrasting shade of paint.

Make your bathroom a worry-free zone

Grab bars and slip-resistant mats around the bathtub, shower, and near the toilet help aid your balance when needed and prevent slips and falls. For additional convenience and safety, consider getting a shower chair or installing a walk-in bathtub or shower. Rethink your toiletry placement and look for ways to improve accessibility.

When looking at safety products for your bathroom, remember to consult a professional so you have comprehensive information on all of the different products and solutions available.

Ensure proper lighting

Maintaining good lighting throughout our home is especially important as we age. Dimly lit areas not only make it more difficult to navigate familiar spaces but can increase the risk of falls as well.

Ensure all areas of your home are well-lit, particularly entryways, stairways, corridors, and where passageways turn as these can become trip hazards under poor lighting. Check and replace older light bulbs with brighter bulbs, preferably LEDs as these offer excellent light output while using less energy. Consider installing motion sensor lights in your bathroom and hallways for added safety when you need to go to the bathroom at bedtime.

Minimize fall risks on your stairs

Consider covering your stairs with slip-resistant treads to prevent accidents, especially if the steps are made of hardwood or other slick surfaces. These will provide better traction for each step, giving you more stability as you climb or descend.

Check your kitchen for hazards

Move all frequently used utensils, pans, pots, and other kitchenware to a lower, more convenient height for easy access. Install brighter lights over your stovetops and counters for better visibility. Clear countertops and work surfaces of all unnecessary objects and install an ingredient organizer to make your kitchen safer and less cluttered.


Devore Realty Group is the go-to real estate team for seniors retiring in San Diego. Navigate the San Diego County real estate market with ease by getting in touch with the team today.

Call Bryan Devore and his elite team of agents from Devore Realty Group at 760.908.3838 or send an email.

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